

    Kendriya Vidyalaya Thalassery continuosly and persistently nurtures a culture of innovation by systematically conducting symposiums, seminars, and various training programmes to prepare students to participate in various innovative activities.As a result, students have developed innovative ideas and participated in various platforms such as Pariksha Pe Charcha, exhibitions, the School Innovation Contest,Science Exhibitions conducted by the Human resource Ministry , and ATL Marathons, winning prizes,accumulating admiration from all. They cultivate,enhance and develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.It is a wonderful platform to give them the opportunities to bring out and develop their talents . The school is truly involved in fostering innovation which is clear from the achievements of students and their enthusiastic participation in various events. This supportive environment encourages students to move above their ordinary routine of student life and think out of the box and realize their dreams to its full extent.